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i like science fiction, mario kart and german expressionists

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


words.... Saussure says that language is arbitrary a word has no link to its meaning.

I imagine that when humans were cavemen and had only just begun to develop language we kind of just grunted at each other. over time a certain kind of grunt would begin to mean a certain thing. Over more time a certain sound would portray a certain idea or motion, so if there was a massive beast about to attack there was probably a sound for "watch out there's a massive fucking lion about to bite your head off". this is language as necessity. language got much more interesting when we begun developing words for much more abstract concepts like feelings and moods. if i say i feel sorrow then how do i know that the person I'm talking to has the same feeling of sorrow, how do i know the word doesn't mean something completely different to them because words aren't linked to there meanings. If i talk about being in love with someone and they say they are in love with me how can i be sure they mean exactly what i mean. But then i guess it doesn't matter to much its kind of like if your colour blind and for example you see red as what normal people see blue, you'll still call it red and so will everyone else so there won't be any confusion. i guess what i mean is LOVE LOVE LOVE. This passage has no link to this picture. but i like it all the same.

1 comment:

  1. you could say that the meaning of words is as arbitrary as the relevance of that picture to this text.

    That might be a clever thing to say
